My Street in Manguinhos

My Street in Manguinhos
Originally uploaded by Lost in Rio.

And here you are, looking down my street from the roof of my house… This Saturday, the neighbors are throwing a cook-out/barbeque for us gringos to welcome us to the neighborhood. It should be a pretty fun time, and I’ll try and get some pictures of that to put up here (as well as of my actual house.


  1. Hey Ben…great views…and great news. I am honored to have made the link page on your blog…that is a big responsibility. I need to work on updating mine more often as well…


    Say hello to everyone for me and give Laura a hug…

  2. What up Ben?
    Good to hear from you! The community looks and sounds like what you have been praying for. keep up the good work! peace love. . .oh and give Laura an even bigger hug (then Matt’s) for me.

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